
This year, we will be running a series of competitions which will be posted regularily. The winners in each category will receive a small door prize, and recognition among their peers. They will also be posted on this website. Everyone is encouraged to participate!


Competitions for 2009

Category 1: BEST DRESSED

This winner in this category is the one who goes out of their way to 'dress to impress'. You can dress based on a theme (country, animal, cartoon character, etc). It is completely up to you. We will be judging based on creativity.

2009 Winner - Agnes Niewiadomski

2008 Winner - Agnes Niewiadomski



This winner in this category is the one who contributes the greatest to the fireworks display. The winner is one who donates a wealth of fireworks of exceptional quality. Judging will be based on QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. The winner will be left to the judges' discretion.

2009 Winner - Alex Bailey